AI experts call for regulator
Concerns over the rapid development of AI technology have led to growing calls to regulate the use of AI. The...
Concerns over the rapid development of AI technology have led to growing calls to regulate the use of AI. The...
What links a fresh turbot from London’s Billingsgate fish market with a Croatian tennis player and a World of Warcraft...
Robot themed dramas have been embraced by popular culture for almost a century, and been a mainstay of our theatres,...
A driverless shuttle bus is now running in London as the UK tries to cut traffic congestion The vehicle -...
Carmaker Nissan is claiming running costs of only 2 pence per mile for its Leaf electric car... The Japanese manufacturer...
Linux has launched a new project for developers to build drones and share the source code. A Linux powered drone...
Demonstrators plan a worldwide protest of one million people against mass surveillance The protests are planned on Guy Fawkes night...
Invasion of sci-fi fans charts new path for hi-tech humanity Stardate, 2014, London, England, Earth : - Ten thousand...
UK Enterprise Minister urges Britain's unemployed 'start Internet-based businesses from home'. Jollie's Socks and Cakes by Laura - just...
Wellness apps put fitness first but fashion needs to catch up, say researchers... Apps such as Fitbeat, MyFitness and MiCoach...
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